Do I need a towel warmer for my bathroom? Most Frequently Asked Questions.

After a good shower you are clean, warm, comfortable and relaxed, then you step into the room and reach for your towel...

Scenario 1: You reach for your towel - but, you forgot you used it earlier that day after your (new 30-day fitness challenge - darn those 100 push-ups!) and you grab a cold, damp towel that's harboring germs. You're frustrated you didn't grab a clean towel and now have to get dressed chilled.

Scenario 2: You reach for your towel - and you grab a warm, soft aired dried towel. Your body stays warm and relaxed as your wrap yourself in the fresh towel.

Did you know a towel heated on a towel dryer is around 30° warmer than your skin?

Stay warm and comfortable until you are dry with a towel dryer while you read our list of FAQs.

Here's the top 6 FAQ's about towel dryers

  • What is the main purpose of a heated towel rack?

To ensure that your towels are always warm, dry and fresh when you need them instead of cold, damp and unhygienic. Nobody likes a cold, damp towel!

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  • Can I leave it on 24/7?

Absolutely, they are designed to work this way. There is an internal thermostat so that it is not using electricity all the time.


  • What temperature do they operate at?

The heating element has an internal thermostat to keep fluid approximately 130° F.

  • How can I tell if the temperature is correct?

After allowing the unit to heat for ‰ hour or so you shouldn’t be able to grasp the upper bars for more than 2 or 3 seconds before having to let go.


  • How warm will the towels get?

An ideal temperature for a warmed towel is around 110F to 120F. This is slightly warmer than your skin temperature when you emerge from a shower. This ensures a comfortable transition from 100F (the water temperature which your skin equalizes with) to a 70F room whilst you are drying.

Please note, by design the towel will not feel hot to the touch (like it would directly from a dryer) especially when you are dressed and dry. The aim is to remain comfortaband relaxed. Whilst a hot towel is pleasant, it increases thermal shock when removed. A warm towel maintains yv

If you are using a programmable timer we suggest that it is left on for an hour or so.

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  • Why are the lowest rails cooler than the top rails?

All fluid filled towel warmers operate on a convection current. The heating element causes the fluid inside the towel warmer to circulate which means the top rails will be the hottest, and each rail below will be slightly cooler. The very bottom rail will not heat.

In Summary: Are towel dryers worth it? 

Towel dryers make for a great option for master bathrooms as nobody likes a cold, damp towel. They provide a warm, soft, air-dried, hygienic option for your towels, robes and and accessories. 

We have found that more and more that towel dryers, or towel warmers are no longer associated as an "add on" luxury item. In master bath projects a decorative towel dryer becomes an absolute necessity year-round. Nobody wants a cold, damp towel.

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